
We’re all about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community

With a community of nearly one-million people, it is of the utmost importance that we keep pushing our schools, community and government to address the needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. And, in these times of world crisis, let’s make sure that everyone is treated equally and prepared with the information needed to be ready for whatever tomorrow brings.

ZVRS and Purple Communications, both divisions of ZP Better Together, have been actively serving our community for over 10 years. As leaders of social change, we are passionate about making our country a better place for our people, for our children – and for the future.

We value culture and community, and together, we are building a bridge that connects us to one another and to our community leaders. We strive to create communication that reflect the needs of the communities we support and celebrate the authenticity and diverse perspectives of our customers.

We embrace and encourage our employees’ and customers’ differences that make us each of us unique, and we work hard to provide equal information, status and opportunity.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that ultimately do.”